Rigorous Instruction Supports Equity (RISE)
What is RISE?
We are excited to announce that DC Public Schools received a nearly $30 million dollar grant from the U.S. Department of Education for the Teacher and School Leader Incentive (TSL) Program over the next three years.
This federal grant supports local education agencies in developing, enhancing, improving, and/or implementing human capital management systems (HCMS) that include performance-based teacher and principal compensation systems (PBCS). Each of the funded projects was designed to be concentrated in high-need schools and has the goal of increasing overall student achievement and closing the opportunity gap between low- and high-performing students. DCPS is the largest grant recipient among districts across the country.
The TSL grant will support DCPS’ newly launched Rigorous Instruction Supports Equity (RISE) initiative, which aims to provide strategic recruitment of talented educators, equity-centered professional development, robust support for new teachers, and performance-based incentive awards at our highest-need schools. (Those are identified in the grant as the 42 schools with a 1- or 2-STAR Rating.)
We will update this website frequently as new information about RISE opportunities become available. Please bookmark this page and visit again soon!